The 12 Universal Laws

The Universal Laws are thought to be intrinsic, unchanging laws of our universe and helps us to create and master our life with love, joy, peace and harmony.

Understanding the 12 laws provides insights to show us how we can reach our goals and how they all work together, guiding us to master our life on all levels and to help us to have an understanding of manifestation at a deeper level.

Law of Divine Oneness
Everyone and Everything connected.  Every thought, action, belief and event beyond our senses is interconnected – we are all one!  

Law of Vibration
Everything in the Universe has an energy frequency and a vibration and is in a constant state of movement.  Each thought and feeling has its own distinctive vibration.  Match your vibration of what you want to manifest your desires.

Law of Correspondence
This law is all about what we focus on, is what is returned to us.  Every action we make and how we feel is reflected in our outer world and our inner world (beliefs, emotions, expectations).  Looking to what is happening around us is a direct reflection of what is happening within us.  It’s all about balance…”As above, so below.  As within, so without.”

Law of Attraction
The law of attraction is a universal principle simply is “Like attracts Like”.  You will attract into your life whatever you focus your energy and attention on, whether it is positive or negative.  Allow yourself to genuinely believe these things are possible for you and you will start to attract those things to you.

Law of Inspired Action
Our actions support our thoughts, beliefs, words, emotions and dreams, which will help us to accomplish our goal.  The inspiration often comes from within and these inspired steps achieve your goals and allows your dreams to manifest.

12 Universal Laws

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Positive thoughts are a powerful force and this allows you to transform lower negative vibrations and change the energies in your life to manifest in our physical reality.

Law of Cause and Effect
Also known as the Law of Karma, any action causes a reaction and by focusing on positive vibes – whatever you put out – good or bad – will come back around.

Law of Compensation
This is where blessings come into our lives after the Law of Cause and Effect and comes in various forms of gifts, offerings, friendships, money and contributions including love, joy and kindness you spread, all rewarded back in different ways.

Law of Relativity
To help us to develop, we go through a series of problems whilst remaining connected to our hearts.  We are inclined to compare our problems and things in our world with other people’s problems. 

Everything comes down to our perspective and perception and there will always be someone else in a worse position.

Law of Polarity
This law states that everything in the Universe has a polar opposite, love and fear, good and evil, light and dark, attraction and disconnection.  One cannot exist without the other.  Understand there are two sides and learn from our mistakes and gain clarity what we do want.

Law of Rhythm
Everything has a cycle and stage of development, being a natural part of the Universe.  All energy of giving and receiving vibrates at a certain rhythm and speed, moving in and out of various phases in life, and needs to be in balance in order to create flow.   Facing and realising the negative part of each cycle, is the only way to master each rhythm and change in your life.

Law of Gender
According to the Universal Law, everything has its masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) elements and qualities.  Masculine qualities are energy, logic, and intellect, whereas feminine qualities are love, patience, and gentleness.  To become a Master, both masculine and feminine must have a balance between both energies.

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