Someone asked me during the week, what is your ‘Word of the Year’ and I realised, I hadn’t even picked one yet!

I was first introduced to the Word of the Year many years ago and have found it to be a really fun and gentle way to remind and guide myself to continue moving towards what I want.

There are no rules, and you can pick a few favourite words for the year if you wish.  I know someone who chooses 31 words, places them in their intention jar and randomly picks a word from the jar each morning to focus on that word for the day.

This year picking my ‘Word of the Year’ – I wanted to choose something meaningful and actually decided on just that… ‘Choose’.

For me, the ability to choose is my greatest strength and freedom.

It is up to you to:

  • Choose your attitude towards yourselves and others.
  • Choose your own values.
  • Choose your own purpose and quality of your life.
  • Choose how you honour yourself.

We can’t always control the things that happen outside of us, however we can always control our inner experience and I have decided to CHOOSE to listen and rest for a couple of days.

Maybe LISTEN and REST are those other words I need to choose too ????

Whatever your word or words are for the year – have fun and be inspired!