EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) | Tapping

EFT (emotional freedom technique) or otherwise known as Tapping, is a technique that combines ancient Chinese acupuncture and modern psychology.

EFT is a technique where you use your fingertips to stimulate certain energy points in the body, such as your hand, head and torso, to create a balance in your energy system and help manage emotions and thoughts.  You may also use it to lower stress, anxiety and help you to be calm.  We are tapping on end points of meridians of our body while focusing on the stressful issue, limiting beliefs and the challenge or whatever is going on in our life by saying certain statements.

I love Nick Ortner from the Tapping Solution and have been following his guidance and technique since 2008 and he states that:

‘Tapping has proven to be extraordinarily effective as we are sending a calming signal to the amygdala in the brain – the amygdala is the ancient flight or fight response centre in the brain.  So we are in essence, desensitising ourselves to the stress, turning off that amygdala, turning off that stress signal, rewiring the way the brain works, the way the limbic system reacts and the way the whole body reacts to the stressful challenge’.

Tapping is a gentle alternative acupressure therapy technique used to restore balance to your disrupted energy and anyone struggling with pain, anxiety or stress can benefit from it.

How to do Tapping

  • Identify the challenge you want to tap on.

It may be a physical pain, tension or stress in your body.

For example:
If your shoulders are tight with tension, then choose this.  If it is nothing physical, then pick stress – pick something that is bothering your specifically – something you may be upset about or something you are frustrated about.

  • Give it a number from a scale of 0 – 10.

10 – being highest in intensity

0 – being none at all.

  • Create a statement that describes your issue, followed by a statement of self-acceptance.

For example:
Even though I have this [fear or problem], I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

  • Tap repeatedly on the edge of your palm, below your little finger.
  • Now tap on the rest of the points on your body, one at a time.
  • Tap on the inside edge of your eyebrows.
  • Tap next to the side of your eyes – near your temple.
  • Tap on the bone underneath your eyes.
  • Tap between your nose and your upper lip.
  • Tap between your lower lip and your chin.
  • Tap beneath your collarbone (find the notch beneath the inside edge of the collarbone).
  • Tap under your armpits (about 4 inches below the armpit).
  • Tap on the top, center of your head.

Take a deep breath and check back in to see how you feel, what happened, what’s shifted and what’s come up next.

Continuing the tapping process until you get the relief that you want.

Have a great day and keep tapping!

Get in Touch

If you’d like more information about how I can help you, get in touch by calling +61 (0) 488 00 88 22 or email hello@rachelgardiner.com.au

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