
Everyone has intuition.  It exists in all of us, and we have the abilities to learn to help us shape our lives for the better.

Your instincts allow you to use your five senses; seeing, tasting, smelling, hearing and feeling in unity every day.

Intuition is our ‘sixth sense’ and listening to our inner selves and following our instinctive awareness and guidance – a hunch or gut feeling about someone or something – is trusting your inner knowing.

Development can help you to increase greater spiritual awareness. 

Here are some ways to develop your intuition:

Meditation and mindfulness – when you focus on your thoughts in the present moment, meditation and mindfulness releases mental chatter and makes way for you to connect with your intuition.

Pay attention – when you pay attention to what is going on around you, you will start to take notice of things happening around you and be more receptive to the spirit world.

Listen – when you stop, allow you mind to slow down, and take the time to just be silent and listen – you will hear and interpret these messages.

Trust your gut feeling – research suggests that emotion and intuition have a physical presence in our gut.

Feel – you may feel goosebumps, a shiver down your spine, a feeling in your belly, your heart may race and quicken your breath – trust all these signs as it is a ‘knowing’.

Connect – take time to connect with others who are in alignment with you and your values, who enrich and empower you.  Walk away from those who drain you as it makes it more difficult to hear what your intuition wants you to hear.

Dreamtime – pay attention to your dreams.  When you are sleeping, your cognitive mind rests and opens space for the subconscious mind to signal you in dreams.

Positive Mindset – having a positive mindset helps you to make better intuitive choices.

Train Your Intuition – learning through books, videos, class settings and online programs – trust and have faith that with practice you can heighten your intuition awareness.

Intuition is incredibly powerful and invaluable and helps guide you to make better decisions.  When you commit to supporting and strengthening your intuition, it will only grow stronger.

Get in Touch

If you’d like more information about how I can help you, get in touch by calling +61 (0) 488 00 88 22 or email

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