You are the Hero and Creator of your Own Life!

This is my Hero’s Journey…

The Ordinary World
My journey begins as a child / a young teenager starting off on a new journey of life feeling excited, inspired and free.  It is my safe place with my family and friends, living a happy, enjoyable, carefree and easy-going lifestyle.

With limited awareness, naivety and no experiences yet, I am unaware of the fact that my world, and others in my world, will change so much and so quickly.

The Call to Adventure
A phone call was just the beginning of a threat to my safety and the dissolution of my family and friends.  It only magnified from there and the realisation of disruption and comfort of my world became very real, very quickly.  The ‘call to adventure’ was the start of change and how I was about to walk off the edge of a cliff into the unknown.

Refusal Of the Call
I actually wasn’t eager to accept the quest and wasn’t really ready to face any fears that I was faced with.  Instead, I pushed down my personal doubts of whether I was up to the challenge and just got on with being and looking after my family.  I became the mother as well as being a sister to my younger sister and the ‘protector’ to my father, looking after their wellbeing and the household.  It was a time in my life when I just moved through the process of just keeping it all together.  

Meeting The Mentor
Starting work at such a young age, I was surrounded by a few trusted adults who became my support group and provided me with insight, wise advice, self-confidence and the tools available to me, which helped me to start to shape my life.  Over time, I felt confident and knew it was time to make a move to start living my life and with their progressive guidance, it wasn’t too long until I found the courage and strength to begin my quest.  During this time, discovering and navigating a new level of my spiritual awakening, was my way of escape as well as creating an inner strength which I would come to and learn to rely on.

Crossing The Threshold
In my late teens, I left home and moved out with friends, which was just so much fun and felt very empowering to be the creator and master of my own life!  A short while later, I willingly took the leap of faith, quit my secure job and headed overseas for a couple of years to travel and work.  This had been a childhood dream, and I was finally ready to take the leap and face anything that came my way, or so I thought!  Such a big commitment to change from everything I had ever known.

Test, Allies, and Enemies
I truly felt free and alive being away from the perils of my life and I was actually and surprisingly quite comfortable being out of my comfort zone.  No structured plans at the time really suited me and I liked the fun and spontaneity I felt when a new adventure was presented, that was until I was met with a few challenges along the way, once again threatening my confidence, safety and trust in people.  Looking back, thinking I could run away from it all, hoping to dissolve these tests, didn’t help in the long run, as I would only have to face and deal with ‘enemies’ when I eventually came back home…and then only many years later!


Approach to the Inmost Cave
Coming home was all very exciting at first and then reality sinks in and the realism of how you left and what you left behind, seemed to stay the same.  Even though I had changed so much, those around me hadn’t changed very much at all.  I felt suffocated and once again started being influenced by external cultures, societies, religions and narrow-minded thinking.  I knew I needed to look inwards, make some changes, otherwise the same doubts and fears would resurface, and I still wasn’t ready to deal with all those feelings from my past again.  I needed some time to reflect upon my journey thus far and my spiritual journey went into overdrive more than ever.  This allowed me to prepare for any major changes that would once again come back up in my life.

Ordeal, Death, Rebirth
One of many ordeals in my life was when my long-term relationship broke down, this was the beginning of my true self-discovery and I really allowed myself to go deep with feelings of self-worth, self-love, willpower and discipline.  Finally, tapping into everything that I knew, I experienced true magic, knowing that co-creating with the Universe, anything is possible.  Having learned so much already, it was time to seek solitude in order to go within and reflect on everything I had seen so far.  Through this exploration, I became the gatekeeper of my own intuition and welcomed Divine wisdom. 

Working through these old fears and personal challenges, a sense of renewal is possible, and I feel inspired to start shining as my true self.  I am aware my subconscious programming may prevent me from enjoying this state of bliss as light casts a shadow, in this case, any old anxiety and fears which may arise to the surface, but I know to keep working through these shadows (beliefs) and become in total alignment to see my purpose clearly.

The Road Back
Shaking myself loose from any old attachments, has at times, felt terrifying, however I have stayed on my own true path, knowing the peace I seek is there and the people, circumstances and events which threatens this, will in time melt away when their hold on me, no longer serves either of us.

When I felt safe to explore, pause and surrender, I knew the person that I once was, fell away and a new phase of existence, where new and more aligned opportunities had the space to enter.  Letting go of some of the heavy burdens attached is very freeing and even though I know I still hold onto only just a few of these familiarities, I know I need to practice giving myself the time and space to do this and allow them to release their hold on me (or I release my hold on them to me), is when I will have mastered and completed my journey. 

Return to the Elixir
So many lessons have been learned along the way and this final stage of my journey, is closing once and for all.  It is a chance to celebrate my victories and all that I have accomplished.  As a cycle closes fully, a whole new one begins, and another new journey starts.  This time I am more mature, have more courage, wisdom, self-awareness, self-love, gentleness and strength to handle any new challenges that come my way!

My Hero's Journey

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