What is Reiki Energetic Healing

Reiki was developed in the 1920’s by Dr Mikao Usui in Japan as a spiritual practice, balancing the energy centres (chakras) in your body, and is a natural energy healing technique which promotes relaxation, eases stress and anxiety through gentle touch and brings spiritual peace.

Reiki practitioners use their hands to direct divine light energy to the body, improving the flow and balance of energy to support healing and a deep relaxation, promoting a calm and peaceful sense of wellbeing, on all levels.

Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatment and being a form of complementary care, effectively works alongside healthcare and natural remedies.  Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or possible emotional pain.   In time, these energy blocks can cause illness.

Reiki energetic healing aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks around the body.  It may enable relaxation, reduce pain, enhance and re-energise the body’s healing processes and reduce other symptoms of illness.

Reiki may help people cope with difficulties, relieve emotional stress and may improve overall spiritual wellbeing.  Adding crystals to healing brings balance, harmony and a sense of peace.  Their energising healing properties and beautiful flow of good energy and power they hold, can be shared to support you. 

Benefits of Reiki Energetic Healing
Reiki assists us to be in a calm, meditative state and allows for present moment awareness, clearing the mind, improving focus, and re-energising the body.

Some of the benefits of Reiki include:

  • Eases stress and tension in the body and creates inner harmony and balance.
  • Restores energetic balance to both mind and emotions.
  • Revitalises the mind, body, and soul, and supports the immune system.
  • Promotes a state of calm, relaxation, and wellbeing.
  • May improve mood and sleep.
  • Enhances spiritual development and healing techniques.
  • Enhances healing – mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.
  • A gentle energy is beneficial and may be safely used for adults, children and even animals.

Overall Wellness
Reiki generally makes you feel more relaxed and helps restore you to a state of balance of the mind, body, and spirit by unlocking your natural healing abilities and can help you manage:

  • Anxiety, depression, and grief.
  • Stress and physical pain.
  • Supports the body during illness, treatment, or injury.
  • Releasing tension from the body.
  • Difficulties in relationships.
  • Feeling stuck or unsure of your direction – unblock patterns and issues.
  • Limiting beliefs.
  • Exhaustion and struggling with the demands of everyday life and challenges.

Reiki Principles
The 5 Reiki Principles for Happiness and Spiritual Healing.

Every morning sit in prayer position, bringing the hands together in front of the heart, with the fingers straight and the palms pressed together, and speak these words from the heart.

5 Reiki Principles

Just for today…reminds us to bring spiritual depth into everyday life. All commitments are to be renewed daily and every new moment presents us with choice.

Your First Reiki Session
Please allow 90 minutes for your first session.

This session includes:

  • Welcome chat, completion of forms and pre-session self-care questions.
  • Meditation and Reiki Healing Session.
  • Post-session self-care discussion.

Treatment Fee:           $150.00

Payment Methods:  Cash, Direct Deposit, EFTPOS, Visa or Mastercard

Ongoing Reiki Sessions
Please allow 75 minutes for ongoing sessions.

These sessions include:

  • Catch up and pre-session self-care questions.
  • Meditation and Reiki Healing Session.
  • Post-session self-care discussion.

Treatment Fee:           $120.00

Payment Methods:  Cash, Direct Deposit, EFTPOS, Visa or Mastercard

Distant Reiki Session
Distant Reiki has the exact same benefits as in-person Reiki and allows the energy to be sent with love and a golden, white light to flow where it is needed.

It is a perfect option to be supported from the comfort of your home if you are unable to receive treatment in person, due to distance, physical, emotional, or mental settings.

Distant Reiki can also be performed for someone, using a photo of the person, their name, age and location and any intention they have and how they wish the session to support them.

Please allow 30 minutes for your session.

This session includes:

  • Welcome chat, completion of forms (prior via email) and pre-session self-care questions.
  • Meditation and Reiki Healing Session.
  • Post-session self-care discussion.

Treatment Fee:           $80.00

Payment Methods:  Cash, Direct Deposit, EFTPOS, Visa or Mastercard

Setting the purpose and intent to have a beautiful healing session, will create a calm, peaceful space, allowing yourself to go into a deeper state of relaxation and a beautiful healing journey for the next hour.

Preparing for Your Session
In preparation for your session:

  • Will purify and bless the energy of the healing space by smudging – an ancient technique by burning specific dried herbs. This will carry good energy, good intentions, and positivity to allow you to become mindful and centred.
  • It is purely a suggestion to refrain from a large intake of caffeine-based drinks and alcohol a few hours prior to the session so you can completely relax. You may still have your tea and coffee kick-start in the morning!
  • It is advisable to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing and you remain fully clothed through your entire healing session. You can remove your shoes and perhaps bring or wear a pair of socks to keep your feet warm.

Start of the Session – Creating the Environment
Let’s create a calming environment and a comfortable and relaxing Reiki and Crystal Energetic Healing Therapy experience together.

  • Sit and chat about any questions you may have about Reiki, and you may feel free to share any emotional, mental, or physical pain you may be experiencing.
  • Keep your phone switched off so you can fully immerse yourself in the session without any interruptions.
  • You will be asked to lay down on a massage table and you may wish to be covered with a blanket for extra warmth and comfort.
  • Relax and close your eyes and breathe in the calming properties of the essential oils from the diffuser.
  • Soft tranquil music will play in the background to help you go into a deeper state of relaxation.
  • Your personalised session will include specialised soul elements of intuitive healing elements including meditation, crystals, breath work, colour therapy, pendulum energy clearing and chakra balance.
  • Using Usui Reiki, I will gently guide my hands above, close to your body or a light touch, in various positions that will focus on different parts of your body, allowing Reiki energy to flow.

After the Session
Share anything you may have felt or any feelings that may have come up during your treatment.

When and How Often Should You Have a Reiki Session
Reiki is a spiritual practice, and regular sessions supports and maintains wellness – an important element of your overall wellbeing.

If Reiki is purely for calm and relaxation purposes, you may wish to book in as often as you like.

If working through emotional, stressful, or difficult situations that you are currently going through, you may benefit from multiple Reiki healing sessions, so perhaps consider booking in three sessions as a starting point and then assess how you are feeling and decide if you wish to continue with further ongoing treatments.

With Love and Thanks
It is an honour you feel safe and comfortable to open up and share with me as well as a privilege to be able to support you.

Thank you for allowing me to take you on this journey and thank you for the opportunity to pass on beautiful messages to you through healing and intuition connections, helping you to gain a deeper exploration and clarity that you are seeking currently in your life.


Get in Touch

If you’d like more information about how I can help you, get in touch by calling +61 (0) 488 00 88 22 or email hello@rachelgardiner.com.au

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