Self Care and Self Love

Self Care, Self Love and Spirituality go hand in hand.  A few simple practices on a daily basis will help you live the best version of yourself, improving your life greatly.

Self Care and Self Love will motivate and inspire you to develop and make good healthy and positive choices in your life and lifestyle.

Self Care
Self care is taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally.  You take the steps you can, to care and maintain your physical health and well-being, including nutrition, hygiene, managing stress, exercise and seeking medical care as needed.

There are 6 kinds of self care: emotional self care; practical self care, physical self care, mental and intellectual self care; social self care; and spiritual self care.

Self Care is:

  • Taking care of you!
  • Making time for movement – being active, exercise, such as going for a walk-in nature or along the coast.
  • Spending and enjoying some time outdoors in nature – to just sit in the sunlight.
  • Mediating – a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind.
  • Cooking and eating a healthy meal.
  • Hydrating and drinking plenty of water.
  • Creating a restful environment for sleep.
  • Sipping on a cuppa.
  • Reading a good book, listening to self-help podcasts.
  • Relaxing and watching a good movie.
  • Hanging out with your favourite people and having great conversations.
  • Writing down your dreams, desires and needs.
  • Learning new things.
  • Having a bubble bath or shower.
  • Waking up to the sunrise and watching a sunset.
  • Managing your worries.
Self Love

Self Love
Self Love is supporting yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually.  Making sure you are showing and giving kindness to yourself, taking care of your own needs and happiness, and not sacrificing your well-being to please others.

There are 5 kinds of self love: physical self love; emotional self love; mental and intellectual self love; social self love; and spiritual self love.

Self Love is:

  • Appreciating yourself and nurturing your own needs.
  • Growing in ways that support what is important to you.
  • Having a positive mindset – saying positive things to yourself and affirm what you want with affirmations and afformations. Stop sabotaging thoughts and beliefs.
  • Forgiveness – forgive yourself when you mess up.
  • Trusting yourself by being assertive and self-confident.
  • Not letting others take advantage of or abuse you. Set boundaries and say no to disrespectful behaviours and people who are not in alignment with you and your values.
  • Prioritising your health and wellbeing.
  • Staying in your own lane – stop comparing yourself to others.
  • Healing your heart – allow emotions to follow – seek help with healing – Reiki Healing, Shamanic Healing, Kinesiology, Sound Healing.
  • Discovering what is important to you and take the time to get know who you are!
  • Thrive Factor Profiling system – an Archetypal framework – consists of 12 unique Archetypes giving women personal insights needed to active permission, unlock effortlessness, grow in confidence, embrace their core strengths, understand potential challenges and unleash their innate potential so as to truly and totally thrive.
  • Finding your bliss and your joy!

Self Care and Self Love will motivate and inspire you to develop your Spirituality as well as help you to make good healthy and positive choices in your life and lifestyle.

Get in Touch

If you’d like more information about how I can help you, get in touch by calling +61 (0) 488 00 88 22 or email

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