
/Soul Elements Testimonials
Soul Elements Testimonials2022-09-28T04:35:54+00:00

After experiencing stressful periods and constant back pain for months, I then decided to try a session of Reiki with Rachel.

There was almost an immediate burst of warmth. A feeling of heat radiating upon me, I felt very relaxed, calm and grounded, had a sense of inner peace, I could feel my stress levels fading and happy and beautiful thoughts were entering my mind.

I have never experienced anything like this in my life, I have now had two sessions with Rachel, each time felt a different experience, now feel stronger emotionally and physically, she has given me a burst of energy within.

Not only is Rachel an amazing healer, she is a lovely, gentle, warm person who makes you feel very relaxed and at ease.


Working with Rachel to complete my thrive factor archetype profile was a fantastic experience! Rachel is friendly and professional, making me feel at ease throughout the whole process.

Completing my archetype profile as a young woman has given me incredible insight into my strengths and weaknesses allowing me to feel a lot more comfortable when entering the workforce. Thank you Rachel!!


I thought I was too old to have an archetype profile made especially for me. I now know how untrue that is. The profile Rachel built for me has given me helpful insight and knowledge into my own personal growth.

It has helped motivate me to once again become involved in the things I’m so passionate about. Discovering my archetypes has given me the confidence to rediscover me! Much gratitude Rachel.


Rachel worked through my thrive factor archetype profile with great sensitivity, making me feel comfortable and relaxed.

Her insightful and encouraging comments, along with a clearly defined framework, has given me a re-defined direction and reminded me of my skill set and passions.

Thank you Rachel!

Get in Touch

If you’d like more information about how I can help you, get in touch by calling +61 (0) 488 00 88 22 or email hello@rachelgardiner.com.au

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