Spiritual Elements

It’s thought that the world is composed of four basic elements which are considered the critical energy forces that sustain life: earth, air, fire and water.

All these elements are integral parts of matter or the physical universe, and the human body is a physical creation that exists in the material realm. Therefore, it was seen that human beings were made and governed by the four elements.


Represents grounding – the foundation of life, connection to life path, health and home. It is the most materially grounded element.


Represents knowledge, communication and creativity. It is the element of life for all living creatures, both plants and animals.


Represents love, desire, energy, transformation, personal power and inner strength. It is considered to be the first element to be created on earth.


Represents healing, emotional release, intuition and inner reflection. It is the most soothing and calming of the four elements.

Spiritual Values


Spiritual Values

Truth – is to live consistently and is the ultimate expression of spirituality.

Peace – a inner state of peace, well-being, calm and fulfilment, allows the soul to move towards happiness.

Love – both physical and spiritual.  Physical love is a biological attraction and spiritual love is divine and unconditional.

Honesty – being completely authentic with our attitudes towards life and requires a considerable depth of self-awareness and an uncompromising willingness of integrity.

Non-Violence – to maintain the awareness of not hurting any living being, even to the slightest degree, through one’s mind, speech and actions.


Spiritual Practices

A daily spiritual practice can be an everyday ritual bringing many positive benefits on your health and wellbeing.

Setting aside a quiet moment of stillness and mindfulness to sit in your power and connect with yourself together with setting positive intentions daily, encourages a peaceful and thankful mindset in line with your spiritual values.


Faith is a strong belief or trust in someone or something.


Prayer is a spiritual union with God or an object of worship – thanksgiving, adoration, or confession.


Mindfulness and Meditation – ‘to ponder’ – a deep state of relaxation, tranquillity, contemplation, and reflection.

Get in Touch

If you’d like more information about how I can help you, get in touch by calling +61 (0) 488 00 88 22 or email hello@rachelgardiner.com.au

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