The Spiritual Meaning of Colours

Colours can assist you in your spiritual journey and the colours below are a guide of spiritual meaning to help boost and enhance your own spiritual energy. 

Black – Mystery, Protection, Elegance, Power and Sophistication.

Blue – Healing, Freedom, Intuition, Imagination, Inspiration, Sensitivity. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, responsibility, stability, faith and intelligence.

Brown – Security, Warmth, Foundation, Comfort and Honesty.

Gold – The highest vibration of everything!  Achievement, Success, Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth, Luxury, Quality, Prestige, Unconditional Love, Higher Ideals, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge and Enlightenment.

Green – New beginnings, Abundance, Money, Nature, Luck, Prosperity, Vitality, Fertility, Harmony and Growth.

Grey – Control and Compromise.

Orange – Energy, Happiness, Success, Encouragement, Sexuality, Joy, Sunshine, Enthusiasm, Determination and Warmth.

Pink – Love for others and for oneself.  Charm, Sensitivity, Tenderness, Feminine, Politeness and Romance.

Purple | Violet – Spirituality, Wisdom, Mystery, Imagination and Independence.

Red – Passion, Romance, Action, Willpower, Leadership, Energy, Strength, Courage, Bravery, Physical Activity, Creativity, Warmth and Security.

Silver – Strength, Clarity, Focus and Grace.

Turquoise – Emotional Balance, Friendship and Good Luck.

Yellow – Positive Energy, Happiness, Creativity, Intellect and Joyful.

White – Peace, Purity, Virginity, Innocence, Light, Goodness, Heaven, Safety, Brilliance, Illumination, Understanding, Cleanliness, Faith, Beginnings, Spirituality, Possibility, Sincerity, Protection, Softness and Perfection.

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