What is Spirituality?



You: Your Mind, Body, Heart and Soul

It is the Essence of You!

Spirituality is a place within yourself where your soul can find a sense of peace.

Being aware and listening to the wisdom flowing through you from a higher power, your higher self, guides you to a deeper sense of discovery and connection, and belief in something greater than ourselves, finding meaning and purpose in life.

It is a path of self-discovery to embrace the personal journey that is yours alone.

Mind Body Soul

Mind: Thoughts and Choice
It’s about understanding that a thought creates a feeling whether negative or positive and every choice is yours to make.

We can view the mind and consciousness as three levels of awareness:

the conscious mind, the subconscious (or preconscious), and the unconscious.

Conscious Mind
Contains all thoughts, memories, feelings and wishes, that we are currently aware of and thinking about.

  • Willpower.
  • Long term memory.
  • Logical thinking.
  • Critical thinking.
Image:  The Three Leves of Human Consciousness | Kain Ramsay | Achology | Medium

Subconscious (Preconscious) Mind
This refers to something that one is not currently aware of but could be brought into consciousness at any given moment.

  • Imagination.
  • Beliefs.
  • Intuition.
  • Emotions.
  • Habits.
  • Values.

Unconscious Mind
Feelings, thoughts and memories that are outside of our conscious awareness, the part of the mind is the part you cannot see.  Unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict are powerfully influenced by our past experiences.

This is the final level and is where there is a lot of potential and growth.  By mediating on feelings of wellness and wholeness will help you to clear out all the limiting and negative beliefs that you may have been holding on to and that maybe blocking your healing progress.

Body:  Health
Maintain your body and health by:

  • Making time for movement – being active, exercise – physical, flow, balance such as walking, yoga, strength exercises.
  • Cooking and eating a healthy meal.
  • Hydrating and drinking plenty of water.
  • Sleep.

Heart:  Love – Compassion – Empathy

  • Appreciating yourself and nurturing your own needs.
  • Healing your heart:  allow emotions to follow and seek help with healing – Reiki Healing, Shamanic Healing, Kinesiology, Sound Healing.
  • Compassion: feeling for someone and you can understand and relate to their situation, and you want to help them.
  • Empathy: feeling for someone and you can understand what they are going through.

Soul:  Spirituality
It is infinite and divine.

Your spiritual and soul purpose is a path which you are being guided down moment by moment.

By finding ways to nurture yourself, will enhance and expand the beautiful energy to flow through you, and provide you with the guidance and desire to look more deeply for meaning in your life.

When you choose to appreciate the simple things in life, everything becomes more enjoyable and your capacity to love and serve magnifies.

Get in Touch

If you’d like more information about how I can help you, get in touch by calling +61 (0) 488 00 88 22 or email hello@rachelgardiner.com.au

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