Tips for Healing the Soul

Ways to Raise your Vibrational Energy
When you raise your vibration at a higher level, you feel lighter, happier, and more at ease.  Having a relaxed state of mind, body, heart, and soul, as well as keeping yourself in a good state of health and taking care of your body through diet and exercise, is all part of your spiritual journey.



Spiritual Vibration

“As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.” 

  –  Abraham Hicks  –

Be completely open to faith. It is having a strong belief or trust in someone or something and having the assurance that God, the Universe, a higher power…is working, even though you cannot see it.

Breath Work
Breath is your life force!  Deep breathing helps move and ignite energy through and around your body, offering feelings of peace, a sense of increased calmness, balance, reduces tension and greater feelings of relaxation and happiness.

Mindfulness and Grounding
Is setting aside a quiet moment of stillness to just sit in the present moment, in your power, to connect with yourself and being accepting of your thoughts, feelings, sensations and experiences.

Helps you to quieten the mind, to relax and let go, so you can connect with your soul and your inner wisdom.  So, allow yourself to peel away the layers of resistance and eliminate the stream of thoughts that may be causing your stress and to bring your mind and body back into alignment.

Is a spiritual union – talking to God, the Universe, a higher power in giving thanks, confession and asking for help. 

Positive Mindset
Positive thoughts, affirmations and afformations – spend time each day working on your mindset to help you to release yourself from self-sabotaging negative thoughts and beliefs.

Practicing gratitude by giving thanks and being appreciative for all and everything in your life, tends to make you feel happier, improves your health, builds stronger relationships, and helps you to connect to something greater than ourselves. 

Journaling | Writing
Allows you to clarify and express your thoughts and connects you to gratitude. 

When you cannot find the answer…say, ‘I surrender to the Universe’ and then ask your angels and guides for help.  It is nice to surrender sometimes – it takes the stress out of things.

Practice setting boundaries and walk away from negative conflict.  Say no to disrespectful behaviours and people who are not in alignment with you and your values.

Stay in Your Own Lane
Please stop comparing yourself to others and stop judging for what you see lacking in another.  Stop thinking about yourself negatively and put out the trash that is in your mind and replace with a positive mindset.


Is defined as letting go of past grudges or lingering anger against another person.  When you can forgive, you give up the suffering of the past and you can start to move forward for inner freedom.  So, forgive yourself when you mess up too!

Being in Nature
Spend time being in nature, breathing in the fresh air, going for a walk, being with animals, to just connect, relax, observe, and recharge.

Uplifting Environments
Your surroundings, such as your home and work environments, needs to leave you feeling good and uplifted.  Be selective of the music you listen to, the movies you watch, the books you read, and surround yourself with which reflects your beauty, passion, and enthusiasm for the way you feel and live your life.

Movement – Body and Mind Awareness
Maintains energy flow and balance.   Make time in your day to be physically active – walking, yoga, or strength exercises – as energetically and spiritually it helps to reduce fear, worry, stress, tension, and anxiety. 

Hydration – staying hydrated keeps you balanced, increases your energy, helps you to focus and concentrate better, flushes out toxins, improves sleep quality and your mood.  So, drink plenty of water throughout your day.

Nutrition – High Vibe Food
Supercharge your energetic frequency with high vibe foods such as protein, fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, spices, and herbal teas.  Anything nutrient-dense, balanced, fresh and colourful, will nourish your body and soul. 

Relaxation and Sleep
Relaxation is the state of being free from tension and anxiety.  Sleep improves your brain performance, mood, and health.  So, give your body and mind time to recharge by giving yourself adequate rest.

Love and Connection
Love is one of the highest vibrating states of being and spending time connecting with others will raise your frequency of energy to soar.  Love everyone as they are and make sure you surround yourself and spend time with people who lift you up and believe in you. 

Guidance and your intuition
Known as your ‘sixth sense’ – it is listening to our inner selves and following our instinctive awareness, your gut instinct!

Healing – Take Care of You and Your Heart 
Open your heart to the divine energies and take care of you and your heart by appreciating yourself and nurturing your own needs.

Our destiny is to remember who we really are, so be present and know your personal values to live your life consistently – the ultimate expression of spirituality.


All of these high vibrational energies are wonderful ways to allow yourself to discover your journey of seeing there is a blend of who you see yourself as now, and who you see yourself beyond right now…all with love!

Inspire yourself daily to support and find ways to look after yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Find your bliss and your joy!  You deserve to be the happiest version of yourself!

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If you’d like more information about how I can help you, get in touch by calling +61 (0) 488 00 88 22 or email

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